Most everyone leaves their home for extended periods of time for one reason or another. When and if you do, do you know how to shut off the gas to your home, as a precautionary risk while you and your loved ones are away?
It’s not just the fact that shutting off the gas when you leave town is a good idea, it’s important to know how stop the gas flow in case of a gas leak or other gas problems. Here at Dutton, we’re here to help!
- Locate your meter on the side of the house, possibly near the front, on the inside of a cabinet.
- Notice the valve sticking just above the ground.
- Have an emergency shutoff or crescent wrench.
- Turn valve clockwise until perpendicular to the gas pipe.
- Once you’ve returned home, make sure to have the gas valve returned to receive normal flow.
- REMEMBER! If it’s a gas problem or issue, only have a technician or gas company technician turn the gas back on.
If you still have questions regarding shutting off your gas, don’t hesitate to contact us for further instruction, or any other plumbing need you might have!