Plumbing Is A People Business

plumbing repair Many people think plumbing is a dirty job. That’s one way to look at it. Certainly it’s hard to deny that the nature of our work exposes us to some unpleasant situations with regard to sanitation.

But that’s not the way I look at it. Dirty work comes with the territory, but most of the jobs we tackle don’t even soil our uniforms. (When they do, we change right away before going out on the next call.) As service plumbers, we have as much in common with social workers as with the mechanical trades.

Our Customer Service Commitment

Customer service is something that is drilled into us from day one at Dutton Plumbing, Cooling and Heating. We are taught to respect your property, your time and your money. We are reminded that you rarely call a technician unless you have a problem. When that happens you may be under stress because a toilet’s overflowing, you’re out of hot water and maybe your plumbing problem is compounded by some trouble in your personal life. The last thing we want to do is add to your stress. Some plumbers may be great mechanics, but if they don’t enjoy dealing with the public they won’t last long around here.

I wish I could say that every person we encounter is a joy to work with, but that would be a fairy tale. Anyone who deals with the public knows that a small percentage will inevitably prove difficult. We are taught to serve those people just as politely and professionally as anyone else and do our best to keep a smile on our face — at least until the plumbing job is done and we get back to the service vehicle where we can vent!

Let Us Know How We Can Serve You Better

It doesn’t take long to catch on to the fact that a vast majority of Dutton Plumbing, Cooling and Heating’s customers are reasonable people and likable. Like any other business, we are not perfect. Occasionally we get legitimate complaints, but you know what? We want to hear from you if you are dissatisfied with us in any way.

That’s because complainers let us know something is wrong and give us a chance to correct the problem. It would be more disheartening if you walked away unhappy and never called us again. So if we do something wrong, please let us know right away. I promise we will do everything possible to correct the mistake and make sure it never happens again.

Yours truly,


P.S. 64% of our business comes from repeat customers, and that’s something we’re extremely proud of.
