Plumbing Disasters - Just What Sort of Damage they can Do

Water – in small quantities and under its own weight, it can be fairly innocuous, easily cleaned up, and nothing really to worry about. But add a little pressure behind it, perhaps a little heat or just a greater quantity, and you have the recipe for a full-blown disaster.


A home or office has many things in it that can be destroyed by water, even your walls, floors, or ceilings aren’t safe. Of course, structural damage can usually be fixed or replaced, but family treasures, heirlooms,s and long-forgotten moments in time caught in a picture cannot. Replacing or repairing the actual physical damage is only half the story; it can take months to recover fully from a water-damaged home.


You may not feel as though you have to worry about this ever happening to you, safe in the knowledge that your insurance will cover it all, and while that’s true to a certain extent, it can only replace what is replaceable – furniture, fixtures and fittings and the like. But what if your insurance doesn’t pay out? Repairing a water-damaged home can run into tens of thousands of dollars. And even if the money doesn’t concern you at all, you could find yourself homeless for quite some time while the damage is repaired.


As the old saying goes, prevention is better than the cure; having regular maintenance of your plumbing systems will help to identify any potential problems before they become serious. And of course, it goes without saying – if you see anything out of the ordinary, you should always talk to your favored professional technician to get expert advice.

Call us now to schedule some maintenance or talk to one of our professionals. Call us at (805) 849-0965 or contact us online.