Why Are My Sprinklers Not Working?
Let Dutton Plumbing, Cooling and Heating Get Them Fixed Today!
Automatic sprinkler systems are a nice benefit to most homeowners because they take care of watering your lawn and garden for you without you having to even think twice about it. They even give you the benefit of being able to water at the best time for water conservation: in the wee hours of the morning when the weather is the coolest and you’re least likely to lose water to evaporation from heat.
However, if your sprinklers stop working, your lawn will become thin and sickly and your garden may start to wilt, forcing you to break out the hose and go back to watering yourself. Here are a few reasons why your sprinklers could stop working.
Failed Controller
Your sprinklers are more than likely operated by an electronic timer and controller which allows you to set everything from the days of the week your sprinklers turn on to the time of day and even how long they’re on for. If this controller wears out, however, nothing is signaling your sprinklers to turn on, meaning they’ll sit dormant. Replacing your controller may be the solution you’re looking for. Don’t be surprised if you have to do this every 15-20 years or so—electronics that are on constantly will almost always wear out by this time.
Broken Pipe
A broken pipe underground may be preventing the water your sprinklers need from reaching them. This can be extremely difficult to diagnose as the signs can be easy to miss. However, if your lawn seems to be drying out and wilting, but you’re noticing the ground still appears to be wet in a certain area, then there’s a good chance that water is leaking from a broken pipe in that area, requiring a replacement.
Poor Water Pressure
Most sprinkler systems depend on water pressure to operate. The water that’s under pressure lifts the sprinkler head out of the ground as well as forces the water out and onto your lawn. If your home’s water pressure is too low, or a different issue is causing the water from your sprinkler lines to lose pressure, then your sprinklers very likely won’t turn on. Figuring out the reason requires advanced knowledge and experience, so it’s strongly advised you talk to a professional.
If your sprinklers have stopped working, call the Simi Valley plumbers at Dutton Plumbing, Cooling and Heating at (805) 849-0965 and let us diagnose and repair the problem for you!